“Feels-Like” Mastery
Amplify Your Connection With The Elusive Sixth Sense
Decoding The Language Of The Universe (Intro Video)
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Reveal Your Own Internal Key For Experiencing Dramatic Mind Expansion,
Peak Level Metaphysical Breakthroughs And Spiritual Connection.
Reveal Your Own Internal Switch
For Experiencing Dramatic
Mind Expansion,
Peak Level Awareness
Breakthroughs, Heightened Intuition,
And A Profoundly Deepened Sense Of Spiritual Connectivity
Do you think you already understand your 6th sense?
What if you were to discover to no fault of your own, that everything you’ve come to learn about this largely untapped human ability was either incomplete, off the mark, or flat-out not accurate? Would you be open to re-approaching it, this time from the fast lane?
In this class, Eric Pepin, Founder of Higher Balance Institute teaches an ancient form of sensing known as Scanning or Feels-like.
This elusive, hidden sensory has historically been known as something of a back door entrance to alternative states of consciousness.
Learning to think in this other way, is considered to be the rosetta stone to accessing other ways of perceiving life, unrestricted by the five senses alone.
Through your own experimentation, this easy to apply method will lead you to discovering the truth yourself, of whether or not it is possible to utilize your five senses as a medium for accessing other forms of emoting input in your environment.
Do you think you already understand your 6th sense?
What if you were to discover to no fault of your own, that everything you’ve come to learn about this largely untapped human ability was either incomplete, off the mark, or flat-out wrong?
Would you be open to re-approaching it, this time from the fast lane?
In this class, you will learn an ancient form of sensing called Scanning or Feels-like.
This elusive, hidden sensory is believed by some to allow ones consciousness to extract information on increasingly higher levels of awareness and mental acuity.
Learning to think in this other way, is thought to be the rosetta stone to knowing things prior to any input from the five senses alone.
You will learn to utilize your five senses as a medium for accessing layers of emotional input or data.
“Within minutes, I could literally feel my brain shifting gears. I began to realize that this was a bio-magnetic sensory we all possess. I just never understood how to use it until now”
Within minutes, you will begin to experience the activation of your magnetic sixth sense taking place
Like any other muscle, Eric is going to show you how to exercise a lost sense. To nourish it and make it grow strong. This ability has been thought to enhance results in all other areas of your development including your meditations. Once a seed is planted, it will grow. Once you learn this method, you can’t unknow what you now understand.
Enhance the ability to sense and feel, super magnify attention to details and allow yourself to detect the emotional state of others including specific thoughts and intentions.
Increased mental acuity, IQ, EQ, and intuition.
The ability to experience a person, place or object as if it were you. To see through the eyes of another.
The ability to very quickly size up someone’s intentions, sense their overall tonal or energy. The ability to scan an environment and feel into surrounding objects that can cue you in on past events, the vibe of a place and more.
The ability to hold an object that belongs to someone and extract information about that person including their health, mental state, location. Some claim to be able to use this to locate missing persons, ideally metal objects belonging to that person such as jewelry etc. as metal is believed to absorb and hold emotional data.
To gain insights about events before they happen, increase instinct, and collect more information in all circumstances.
About Eric:
Eric J. Pepin is a teacher, philosopher and author dedicated to helping others achieve altered states of consciousness, expanded awareness and first-hand encounters with the miraculous themselves. He spent his childhood reflecting on the workings of the Universe, investigating paranormal activity and utilizing his unique sensory abilities with an uncanning degree of accuracy. By the time he was 15 years old, he was a highly sought after prodigy and began teaching his friends to have similar experiences as himself.
He found his passion in teaching and for many years that is what he did. In 2003, Eric founded Higher Balance Institute for the purpose of sharing his uniquely effective approach to conscious awakening. The organization gave him the opportunity to reach beyond his circle of friends and share his knowledge on a global scale.
Shortly after, Eric Pepin published his first book, The Handbook of the Navigator, which garnered instant traction, becoming a #1 Amazon best-seller. 10 years later, Eric has traveled the United States and countries around to the world, speaking at retreats and lectures. During this time, he also developed and released more than 100 audio and video courses covering nearly every spiritual topic imaginable from the construction of the universe to manifestation, remote viewing, healing and an elusive, altered state of consciousness he calls the in-between, just to name a few. Eric has published 6 additional books on spirituality, including his most recent book, Prescient Visions, all of which have made #1 best-sellers lists on Amazon.
Eric continues to teach at events around the United States and throughout the world at locations including Paris, Mexico and India. He is based in Santa Rosa, California where he develops cutting-edge training and technology for his one calling in life, to help others attain real, lasting results, pushing the envelope to experience profound spiritual awakenings.
The ability to experience a person, place or object as if it were you. To see through the eyes of another.
The ability to very quickly size up someone’s intentions, sense their overall frequency or tonal. The ability to scan an environment and feel into surrounding objects that can cue you in on past events, the vibe of a place and more.
The ability to hold an object that belongs to someone and extract information about that person including their health, mental state, location. This is the same technique Eric used in his youth to locate missing persons.
Gain insights about events before they happen, increase your instinct, and gain more information in all circumstances.

About Eric:
Eric J. Pepin is a teacher, philosopher and author dedicated to helping others achieve altered states of consciousness, expanded awareness and first-hand encounters with the miraculous themselves. He spent his childhood reflecting on the workings of the Universe, investigating paranormal activity and utilizing his unique sensory abilities with an uncanning degree of accuracy. By the time he was 15 years old, he was a highly sought after prodigy and began teaching his friends to have similar experiences as himself.
He found his passion in teaching and for many years that is what he did. In 2003, Eric founded Higher Balance Institute for the purpose of sharing his uniquely effective approach to conscious awakening. The organization gave him the opportunity to reach beyond his circle of friends and share his knowledge on a global scale.
Shortly after, Eric Pepin published his first book, The Handbook of the Navigator, which garnered instant traction, becoming a #1 Amazon best-seller. 10 years later, Eric has traveled the United States and countries around to the world, speaking at retreats and lectures. During this time, he also developed and released more than 100 audio and video courses covering nearly every spiritual topic imaginable from the construction of the universe to manifestation, remote viewing, healing and an elusive, altered state of consciousness he calls the in-between, just to name a few. Eric has published 6 additional books on spirituality, including his most recent book, Prescient Visions, all of which have made #1 best-sellers lists on Amazon.
Eric continues to teach at events around the United States and throughout the world at locations including Paris, Mexico and India. He is based in Santa Rosa, California where he develops cutting-edge training and technology for his one calling in life, to help others attain real, lasting results, pushing the envelope to experience profound spiritual awakenings.
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Get Instant Access To The Feels-Like Training Now For Only 5 dollars…
Seize The Moment, Put Your Trust In HBI And We WILL Deliver.