The Foundation
Meditation System
Unearth the Key to Harnessing a Limitless Supply of Spiritual Energy
The Foundation Meditation System
Unearth the Key to Harnessing a Limitless Supply of Spiritual Energy
This course offers simple methods to gain unlimited spiritual energy, a forgotten resource and the reason why most seekers fail to truly grow spiritually.
This course offers simple methods to gain unlimited spiritual energy, a forgotten resource and the reason why most seekers fail to truly grow spiritually.

What Makes The Foundation Meditation Different?
Foundation Solves The Missing Link To Accessing Higher Consciousness: The Magnetic Sense, or Sixth Sense, Each of Us Possesses.
What Makes The Foundation Meditation Different?
Foundation Solves The Missing Link To Accessing Higher Consciousness: The Magnetic Sense, or Sixth Sense, Each of Us Possesses.
6 Reasons To Get Foundation

Easiest Way to Meditate
This meditation was specially designed to give you maximum results with minimum effort. It’s really an “all in one” technique where one single action allows you to maximize your results.

Feel Inner peace and Serenity
Improve the flow of your energy, release your emotional blocks and re-balance your energy body.

Learn To Sense, Feel And Affect Spiritual / psychic / Metaphysical Energy
This energy controls, manipulates and directs you every day of your life and 99.9% of people have no idea they are being affected by it. Remove negative energy, replace it with positive.

rake-in Spiritual Energy
Direct and unmediated. This is a meditation method unlike normal meditation in that it allows you to absorb massive amounts of spiritual energy in short stints of time. (sessions range between 20 minutes to 1 hour) You choose.

unfold Deep Inner Experiences
Develop your sixth sense and inner powers to have direct, real spiritual experiences.

Develop Your “Bubble of personal Energy”
Multiply the synchronicities in your life (chance meetings, opportunities, luck), connect and communicate with your Higher Self, and Find the source of that feeling that is calling you all by creating a perfect, ‘magnetic’ bubble of higher energy.
6 Reasons To Get Foundation

Easiest Way to Meditate
This meditation was specially designed to give you maximum results with minimum effort. It’s really an “all in one” technique where one single action allows you to maximize your results.

Feel Inner peace and Serenity
Improve the flow of your energy, release your emotional blocks and re-balance your energy body.

Learn To Sense, Feel And Affect Spiritual / psychic / Metaphysical Energy
This energy controls, manipulates and directs you every day of your life and 99.9% of people have no idea they are being affected by it. Remove negative energy, replace it with positive.

rake-in Spiritual Energy
Direct and unmediated. This is a meditation method unlike normal meditation in that it allows you to absorb massive amounts of spiritual energy in short stints of time. (sessions range between 20 minutes to 1 hour) You choose.

unfold Deep Inner Experiences
Develop your sixth sense and inner powers to have direct, real spiritual experiences.

Develop Your “Bubble of personal Energy”
Multiply the synchronicities in your life (chance meetings, opportunities, luck), connect and communicate with your Higher Self, and Find the source of that feeling that is calling you all by creating a perfect, ‘magnetic’ bubble of higher energy.
What are people saying?
“The Foundation Meditation System is easily 10 times more potent than any thing that I have ever tried. I have traveled to the 4 corners of the earth and studied virtually every religion, meditation and spiritual technique; in the 7 years that I have used this Meditation I have experienced and discovered many times more than the previous 40 years combined.”
“Wow, after three sessions I began to feel myself beyond my physical body. I never thought this was possible.”
“In a few moments I felt waves of energy moving into my body I saw colors… blue red yellow purple green white etc. I continued to see them. After a few minutes the colors exploded and became a strong white light… and the colors disappeared.”
“I always thought meditation was for relaxation, not exploration, if exploration can even define this!”
“I had my first out-of-body experience. It was incredible and life altering! I think Eric’s information is incredibly powerful, and helps you open the doors you’ve been trying so hard to find. Really good stuff!! I’m fortunate to have found the Higher Balance Institute.”
“I have been meditating for 45 years and… I have never been able to go as deep, in so short period of time, as I have been able to using this technique.”
Order Now And Recieve Two Bonus’s “The Water Of Life: Special Booster Meditation” And “Ties That Bind: Expansion Module” | A Value Of $118, Yours Free With Foundation
Bonus 1

More than likely, you already understand that everything is made up of energy, everything is a frequency. Have you ever wondered exactly how these frequencies may be affecting you? If everything is energy, including you, then you must be wondering how this energy manipulates your everyday thoughts and feelings – sometimes positively, and sometimes negatively. This is why mindfulness is vitally important.
To be aware of your thoughts and emotions will enable you to better understand where they are coming from. How many of your everyday thoughts actually originate in your brain, and how many are infiltrating your consciousness from the energy programmed into your environment? As you’re about to discover in The Ties That Bind, erasing and rewriting programs are two of the most under-utilized and critically important techniques to accelerate your awakening process.
Bonus 2

There’s something about spiritual people that evokes feelings of comfort and trust. This ethereal quality is what attracts others. It has a feeling, a level of tranquility…yet, it has no words. This seemingly unknown quality is their tonal, their higher state of consciousness that creates these feelings.
Eric refers to a person’s frequency as their tonal. It is the unique vibration of one’s consciousness, and it determines all aspects of one’s life, like karma and profound spiritual experiences
Water of Life is a very unique and effective process designed to raise your tonal to a much higher frequency. In Water of Life, Eric guides you through visualizations, breath patterns, sounds, and hand gestures which attract massive quantities of prana, and raise your own tonal to a much higher state.
Disclaimer: Water Of Life is a tool that you should look at with a certain air of sacredness. Use it on special occasions or times when you are struggling to get up and go emotionally, mentally or spiritually. If you use it every day you may risk watering down its potency. The Foundation Meditation itself is the most vital and powerful meditation for your spiritual evolution and should be the top priority in your daily practice regiment. There is no substitute that delivers the specific effects that the Foundation meditation process delivers, particularly over time.

Play Sample
Normally $129.00
Today $47.00
Learn How To:
✔ Crack the Code of Reality
✔ Quiet Your Noisy Brain
✔ Ignite your Higher Consciousness
✔ Includes Special Bonus’s “The Water Of Life Meditation” And “Ties That Bind Expansion Module”
Money Back Guarantee Good For Up to 90 Days (Guaranteed Results!)

This product is a digital download

Play Sample
Normally $129.00
Today $47.00
Learn How To:
✔ Crack the Code of Reality
✔ Quiet Your Noisy Brain
✔ Ignite your Higher Consciousness
✔ Special Bonus’s “The Water Of Life Meditation” And “Ties That Bind Expansion Module”
Money Back Guarantee Good For Up to 90 Days (Guaranteed Results!)
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